Sexual Assault

Changing The Statistics

You see, the thing with being raped, or just generally being abused at such a young age, is that you find it hard to open up to people about it. I would know because for me, it started when I was about four years old. I really don't remember much about that time of my life but I can never forget what she did to me. Yes, "she".

Changing The Statistics


Did you know? Rape is the fourth most common crime against women in India, and over 26,000 cases of rape have been reported in India. Also, another interesting piece of trivia, almost 98% of these were committed by a person known to the victim. I wonder who are worse, the 98% to do such a thing to someone who trusts you, or the other 2% to do it to a stranger in the bus.


Broken Angels: Evil Behind Child Rape

Children are targeted by "demons"  because they are vulnerable, easy to be manipulated and threatened. In some parts of the Philippines, 1 in 5 children below 18 experiences sexual abuse while growing up. The perpetrators are always male relatives. The common perpetrators of sexual abuse are brothers, cousins, fathers, stepfathers or even neighbors…

Broken Angels: Evil Behind Child Rape

Say No to Rape

Here in Malawi, we have some traditional beliefs that violate women's rights. It is really okay to respect beliefs we have in our societies, but not all traditions are meant to be followed. How can it be a tradition for girls to be made to have sex with a paid sex worker known as a "Hyena" once they reach puberty?

Say No to Rape