

As it was the middle of June, all the tree-leaves were beginning to decay due to the heavy rain. We moved ahead carefully through the slippery path clearing the soaked tree-leaves. The small black leeches were raising their heads from the tree –leaves in search of a good opportunity to suck the blood from our body. Colorful wild flowers were spreading their scents to attract our attention and the foxes, deer, monkeys were escaping from us…


Mkpuluoma - Good Seed

The moon was full and bright. The stars glittered, with the cool night breeze making it a sensational night. Ofe uha and egusi aromas sifted through night. Mkpuluoma was nervous and excited - the long awaited Eke market day was here. Nnedi painted her legs with the popular uli, drawing beautiful patterns on her hands and legs respectively. Papa bought her coral beads. It was the day Iheoma was coming to perform the Igba Nkwu rituals, the pride of every woman.

Mkpuluoma - Good Seed