6 min read

Fear Of Losing Fundamental Freedom: COVID-19 Crisis In Pakistan

At an individual level, people's experience of reactance strongly depends on the most attainable goals and values when the threat occurs. In the COVID-19 case, fundamental goals and values such as education, the right to freely move, and religious practices are threatened. Two main factors that determine the reaction to these announced health-related measures are the absoluteness and self-relevance. If the threat is absolute, people rationalize it. If it is not, people respond with reactance. Both become stronger when the threat is self-relevant.

Fear Of Losing Fundamental Freedom: COVID-19 Crisis In Pakistan

No Matter How Small, An Achievement Should Always Be Confident!

Everyone in this world is trying their best to contribute a teensy bit in this huge world with an ocean of knowledge. Some of us achieve the brownie points, while the others remain deprived until the right time. However, we all get paid for whatever contribution we make for the betterment of this world. Why are people trying to humiliate and belittle the efforts that others are making every day?

No Matter How Small, An Achievement Should Always Be Confident!

The Life Within Me

I have society to fear, its grueling questions. While you might be the person telling me that it is a sin to kill the embryo growing within me, I also know you are among the people who would question my character and my chastity. I know, I shouldn’t fear the world created by the generations before me, but everyone existing in its aftermath hasn’t made it easier for me. Maybe you can’t be supportive of my decisions, maybe you’ll be in constant disagreement; nor would I ask you not to be.  But please, respect my being, accept my choices and do not decide them for me.

The Life Within Me

Womb Raiding: A Barbaric Crime Perpetrated By Women Against Women

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children recorded 18 instances of fetal snatchings in the United States somewhere in the range of 1983 and 2015, which spoke to 6% of the recorded 302 instances of baby kidnapping. "Womb Raidings" and "Cesarean Kidnapping" are media terms for fetal kidnapping.

Womb Raiding: A Barbaric Crime Perpetrated By Women Against Women


As it was the middle of June, all the tree-leaves were beginning to decay due to the heavy rain. We moved ahead carefully through the slippery path clearing the soaked tree-leaves. The small black leeches were raising their heads from the tree –leaves in search of a good opportunity to suck the blood from our body. Colorful wild flowers were spreading their scents to attract our attention and the foxes, deer, monkeys were escaping from us…


And Then There Was Us

This time she would not read too much into what they shared. But all that resolve went down the drain; Dana could not take her eyes of him. He wasn’t doing anything special. He was just being. When she hugged him, she felt a familiarity that did not belong. Texts and infrequent phone calls could not bring that, she thought…

And Then There Was Us