A love like no other

It took me some time to start getting over the past and to re-build myself, but through introspection, prayer, and affirmation, the process of healing is in effect. Don’t let someone’s impaired vision of you affect the love you have for yourself. Don’t let your own self-imposed doubts get in your way.

A love like no other

Changing The Statistics

You see, the thing with being raped, or just generally being abused at such a young age, is that you find it hard to open up to people about it. I would know because for me, it started when I was about four years old. I really don't remember much about that time of my life but I can never forget what she did to me. Yes, "she".

Changing The Statistics

Dawn of the Ugly Era of Comparisons

This world deserves so much better than what actually is happening right now. Our people need love, kindness, and a reminder that whoever they are, wherever they live, whatever they believe in, they should learn to own their identity, their body, their origin, and learn to love themselves. 

Dawn of the Ugly Era of Comparisons

Pied Emotion

On that day, she had the courage to leave and not look back. It broke my heart, but more than anything else in the world, I valued her peace of mind, her chance at liberation away from the hurricane that is my father. My father made it a note in his mind to remind us every time he came home wasted that we lived in his home and he'd kick us out if he so wished.

Pied Emotion

Brown Culture Victim

Smoking is injurious to health”. Like everyone else, I believed it to be true but I often questioned myself that “why did they always show men smoking in the ad and not women?” Or “is smoking gender specific?”. I did not dare ask this question from my parents because some things do not have room for discussion in brown culture, especially coming from a girl.

Brown Culture Victim

Life Of All Women's Colleges

In such a healthy environment, you learn, grow, experience, and gain recognition in unprecedented ways. We take pride to uplift each other in many ways. Rankings and accolades of colleges are temporary, but the values we imbibe like teamwork, leadership, self love, compassion, growth, sensitivity, and empathy are everlasting.

Life Of All Women's Colleges

The Unknown Smile

For the past 15 years, I have been in London. There is nothing as strange in this city as my life. No one cared to join my strange journey. Not even my blood-mates. 15 years of a hidden and strange life. Tears just kissed my cheeks and fell to my arms. I just covered my face with my arms and suddenly threw it away. It showed me a clear picture of my life before those 15 years. My mom’s hug, my dad’s smile, and Sreya’s non-stop stories. Sreya!

The Unknown Smile